
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The First 100 days.....What about the First 10 days?

This weeks featured article comes to us from the NY Times:  Obama's Order is Likely to Tighten Standards

When ranking Presidents by enviornmental sensitivity, former President Bush would most likely rank somewhere in the middle.  He did completely ignore environmental policy yet never held it in high regard either.  Near the end of his last term as President; however, he did pass through much more strigentCorporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards as part of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.  The new standards called for gas mileage to be 35 mpg by 2020.

On a similar topic, the Bush administration denied appeals and waivers by California and 13 other states asking to set their own emissions standards.  Obama, in his first week in office ordered the EPA to review the waiver and reconsider it.  If California is in fact allowed to set their own standards, it will certainly be a landmark win.  In my opinion, it makes enourmous sense to allow states set their own standards while still maintaining compliance with national standards.  Every state is in a unique position as far as emissions and the current state of air quality.  The national level must factor in the overall air quality of the country (and the world for that matter as air moves rather quickly), but if a state determines they need stricter policies to solve a problem, so be it.

Aside from the mandate, this also will effectively pressure automakers into finding cleaner technologies and developing more fuel efficient vehicles because they will need to design cars to the highest standard.  The trickle down effect from a decision like this could be great.  There is the potential for job creation for automakers and the EPA if the topic becomes large enough.  Ultimately it is a great step in the right direction and refreshing to see a President who is putting sustainability in the lime light. (Note: I was not an Obama supporter, nor did I vote for him so I like to think my opinion on this particular topic is bipartisan).  Although the Kyoto Protocol is set to expire, it will be interesting to see what kind of role the Obama Administration plays in the creation/implementation of its succesor.  Only time will tell, and until next time....remember to reduce, reuse, recycle!

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